domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

My Favourite Month of the Year (telling an incident)

It was on second April, 2010. I was about to be fifteen years old. This day I was so excited because at the next day I would celerate my birthday. n the next day, I woke up earlier tan other days and I did not find anybody in my home, that surprised me because this day is important for me. the time passed ad nobody arrived home, I was so sad. At 02:00 p.m. of the afternoon I was angry and I prepared a little lunch just for me. At 05:00 p.m. my mother called me and she told me that I can go to my aunt's home. I was angry with her, so I did not have the best actittud.
When I arrive to my aunt's home my mother and all my family surprise me with a beautiful fifteen party. I became very happy because all my family was there and was a beautiful day for me, in the end. 

{In this paragraph I talk about a specific incident to talk about this I must use the past tense of the verbs because it was a past situation. This was a little more difficult because I must to order my ideas to express clearly what happened.}

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