domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

My favourite month of the year (giving examples)

April is my favourite month of the year because the weather it is great for me. Sometimes it is cold and sometimes it is hot, so you can wear different types of clothes like shorts in some cases or a beautiful coat with a pair of boots.
Also is my favourite month because is my birthday and I feel alive, because all my family comes to my house in this special day. We laugh and talk about many things, we eat birthday's cake and other sweet things like cupcakes, lemon pie, apple küchen. I receive the love, good greeting and the best wishes for my new year of life.

{In this paragraph I talk about things that I do in a specific time of the year, I use daily things to describe and clarify what I do in my favourite month of the year. It was easier for me because I take things that I do and I ordered to give coherence and write.}

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