sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013

"Early Bird or Night Owl"

I am a night writer because I love the silence to concentrate in my writing and I don't find another moment because at night it is more relaxing and everyone sleeps in my home, for example. I prefer my room to write about my feelings, funny things, stories or something to some work to the University. Whrn it is night, I feel something special when I see the starts and the moonlight on the sky I feel peaceful and inspired. Whrn I am going to write about something I just need a pencil and a piece of peaper and obviously the entusiasm and motivation to express my feeling a lot. At night, I think in solutions to my problems and appear my deep feelings of everything (my family, myself, my classmates, my friends). Being a night writer is more grateful for me because when I read my stories or ideas on the next day I realize that I made a good job.

{In this paragraph I knew how order my ideas and knew the "Topic Sentence" to introduce my topic and explain more clearly all the paragraph, and the "Concluding Sentence" to give a good ending and cloncluding the ideas. It was difficult for me because I did not know about these important thing to write.}

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