sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013

Describing Physically a Special Person

My sister Francisca is 21 years old. She studies infirmary at the Arturo Prat University. she is a friendly, intelligent, nice, clever, loyal, concerned and talkative person in the good way. Her vocation is to help people so, her career is perfect for her. she is very concentrate in her things and she does many things, like study and work at the same time, for example. She is very close to all the family (grandparents, cousins, uncles and aunts), and everybody loves her way to be. Francisca is a very relaxed person and she never fights with anybody, she is very worried for the problems of her family in general and she helps all people that need her.
My sister is a beutiful woman; she is short, has round-faced, blod hair and she is well.built. Her skin color is white, her face give the sensation of lovely. Her beautiful brown eyes give always the truth. Her nose is small according to her face. Her lips are thick but with a beautiful heart shape. Francisca is beautiful inside and outside.

{In this type of describing paragraph I learn how use adjectives that describe people physically and phycologically. This was more easy for me because I knew a lot of adjectives so, I just selected that describe my special person and I write them all together using commas to separate this words.}

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